
May 28, 2015 admin

A cool season favorite for north Texas, Primula brightens dreary wintry days with cheerful umbrellas of color.


The fairy primrose (Primula malacoides) has crinkly leaves and uneven edges resembling bright green tutus. Small flowers, of lilac, rose and white, about ¼” across, form a lacey globe of color that seem to dance above the foliage.





Less common, but popular is the German primrose (Primula obconica). “Libre” is the variety we choose because it is primin free, (primin is a nasty skin irritant). The basal rosette of leaves, are smooth. The flower stalk rises above like a maypole displaying colors of lavender, blue and pink. The individual flowers are about 1” across.



The third and most popular primrose we grow is our Primula polyantha ‘Supernova Mix’. Large individual flowers about 1” across form a kaleidoscope of eye popping clusters. Neon colors of raspberry, sapphire, gold and ruby hover like clouds over the crinkled and prominently veined foliage.


Primulas are delightful in the landscape as well as mixed planters, urns, and sunny windowsills.

They bring a feeling of warmth and sunshine on cold wintry days.