Galphimia gracilis Thyrallis

May 28, 2015 admin

Not often seen in north Texas landscapes, Galphimia gracilis (sometimes called Thyrallis) is a tropical shrub that should be used more often here for warm season landscape interest. Galphimia, considered a tropical shrub, usually freezes to the ground here, however, if the winter is mild enough, it will come back the following spring.

Using Galphinia as an annual is probably the easiest route to go, not guessing or waiting to see if it will come back. Full sun is best, but half day sun is fine, just expect fewer blooms and some legginess. North Texas heat and intense sun are no problem for this Mexican native. Also, once established, Galphimia gracilis is very drought tolerant.

Blooms begin in late spring or early summer as soon as the temperatures start getting hot. The terminally borne flowers are dainty, five- petaled and golden. Each flower resembles a small daisy. Bloom time is from summer till fall. This tropical shrub can grow to 5 feet tall, but in north Texas, 3 feet is more reasonable due to winter freezes. Well drained soil is required and as mentioned full sun is best. Cool temperatures cause the leaves to turn bronze.

Galphimia is pretty in pots or beds, mixed with other showy annuals.
Due to its’ uncommonness and ease of cultivation Galphimia gracilis is a must for the north Texas summer garden.

A True, Tropical, Heat- Loving Trooper