Experanza, Tecoma stans

May 28, 2015 admin

Texas Super Star

Esperanza is a must for every blistering, hot north Texas summer landscape. Listed as a Texas Super Star, Esperanza is truly Texas tough. It is heat tolerant, pest resistant and can tolerate a wide range of soils.

Esperanza has abundant clusters of bright yellow trumpet flowers from spring to fall. The delightful flowers are about 2 inches long and have fragrance. For quick rebloom be sure to remove spent flowers and seed pods.

Esperanza needs a sunny warm environment. It thrives in our north Texas summers and makes a wonderful companion to other tropical heat lovers such as mandevilla and hibiscus. It can be used in large urns or beds, keep in mind it can grow to about 3 – 4 feet tall and 2- 3 feet across.

Hardy to Zone 9, Esperanza usually freezes in north Texas, however in a mild winter and a protected location, it may reappear in spring. Esperanza is native to Texas and Mexico and also a member of the Bignoniaceae family, which includes trumpet creeper and cross vine.

Any plant loving Texan will enjoy this beautiful, showy and easy to grow native Texas Super Star.