Salvia ‘Mystic Spires’

October 15, 2015 admin

Botanical Name: Salvia longispicata x farinacea ‘Mystic Spires’

Height: 3′
Width: 2′
Exposure: Full Sun
Performance: Perennial
Bloom: Violet-Blue (June-October)

A cross between the Texas native Salvia farinacea and Salvia longispicata, a native to Mexico, was produced at the Huntingdon Botanical Gardens in California. Cross-pollinated by bees, the two species resulted in Salvia x. ‘Indigo Spires’, a tall, floppy Salvia variety. At three foot tall, Salvia x. ‘Mystic Spires’ is a more compact plant with the same genes.
The blue-violet flowers cool down a summer garden for a fresh look, so, hummingbirds, bees, and butterfly won’t be the only ones enjoying it. This vigorous summer/fall perennial loves full sun and looks great in background borders, mass plantings, or large containers. This Texas Superstar is drought tolerant, summer tough, and easy to grow. 

Salvia x. Mystic Spires - Mass