
April 26, 2017 Chelsea Quimby

Botanical Name: Solenostemon scutellarioides
Height: 18-24″
Width: 12″
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Sun, Shade
Performance: Annual 

Coleus is a popular late spring and summer annual used to decorate containers and flower beds with its bold, showy foliage. Our new ‘Mainstreet’ series adds to our diverse range of colors and leaf shapes available.

This annual is interestingly a member of the mint family and possesses the traditional qualities of square stems and opposite leaves. Naturally, coleus is a shade-loving plant, but variety improvements have created many sun-tolerant varieties, like the ‘Mainstreet’ series.   

It’s all about the attractive colors, unusual markings, and variety of textures of coleus!


Coleus Mainstreet ‘Abbey Road’

Coleus Mainstreet ‘Dutch Mill Drive’

Coleus Mainstreet ‘Oxford Street’

Coleus Mainstreet ‘River Walk’

Coleus Mainstreet ‘Sunset Boulevard’