Zexmenia hispida

August 24, 2017 Chelsea Quimby

Hairy Wedelia

Botanical Name: Zexmenia hispida (Wedelia texana)
Height: 24″
Width: 18″
Exposure: Full Sun, Part Sun
Performance: Perennial
Bloom: Gold (May-October)

Zexmenia is a long-lived, reliable and long-blooming plant for the north Texas garden.  It forms a mound of one inch yellow daisies against a backdrop of hairy stems and leaves.  Small amounts of blooms will steadily cheer the garden May to October.  Zexmenia will grow to about two and a half feet.  It is very drought tolerant and loves full sun.  Because its native habitat is in dry, gravelly, calcareous soils, good drainage is a requirement